Attractions Applications

How to Apply

All Attractions must be applied for online, except in exceptional circumstances. To make an application, fill in the form below and click Submit application.

Booking confirmation

When you click Submit application you will see confirmation that we have received and are reviewing your application. If your application is successful we will contact you by email to confirm.

Attractions rules

All Attractions must comply with the following rules:

  • There are strictly no vehicle movements, without prior permission, on or off the Showground between the hours of 8.30am and 5.30pm on Show day.
  • If you are mowing the grass on your stand, you must either dispose of the cuttings off site (to comply with National Trust regulations), and/or the Show will provide a receptacle for disposal on site. Please enquire at the Showground Office as appropriate.
  • Copies of our Safeguarding, and Equality and Diversity Policies are available here. You are asked you comply with them.
  • The information within this application form and supporting documentation is for the sole use of the Aylsham Agricultural Show Association. Please see our Privacy Policy for full details.
  • The Aylsham Show recommends that Show Exhibitors and Caterers use biodegradable items whenever possible.
  • Traders may be inspected on the day and failure to provide the correct certification as requested in this form may result in you being unable to trade.
  • The Show is legally required to submit a list to Broadland District Council of all food and drink suppliers at the Show. Broadland District Council then forwards this to other Councils as appropriate.

Application Form

This form is not currently available