Pictured are Tom and George Youngs of Wm. Youngs & Son (Farms) Limited who were the overall Champion Farm for 2024 (they take the Barclays Bank Challenge Cup and UKF Fertiliser Cup) They hosted a very successful Farm Walk at Frogs Hall Farm, Spa Lane, Aylsham NR11 6UN on the 9th July, where all awards were presented. Donations were taken on the night for the bar, and with help from the Youngs Family and Thurlow Nunn Standen, £1000 was raised and will be presented to Nelsons Journey. This Event was kindly sponsored by Frontier Agriculture Ltd and Payne Crop Nutrition Ltd. The Farm Business Competitions and separate Farm Hero Awards are kindly sponsored by Brown & Co. The Farm Business Competitions entrants are judged by farmers outside of Norfolk, to recognise outstanding farming practices and achievements. The farm holding can be arable, livestock, mixed or contracted, with 60% of land within Norfolk.